Blizzard of Zeros: GIF87a Gallery (very old images)
A web server for very old browsers
Created and Maintained by The Dust Council
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The GIF standard was created by CompuServe in 1987 (GIF87a), and later updated in 1989 (GIF89a) to support transparency,
delay between frames for animated GIFs, and embeddable metadata.
All of the files on this page date before July of 1993. Several of the files have dates as old as 1987. These are,
quite likely, images created with paint programs on 8 bit systems which were later converted to GIF so they could be viewed
on other platforms. These GIFs are sourced from old shareware and public domain CD-ROMs and FTP sites. These should all
be viewable by even the oldest browsers that contain support for images.
It should go without saying that none of the numbers for bulletin board systems that you may see in the images anymore
are valid. Don't call them. Especially with modems. The lonely howl of a screaming modem may confuse and enrage the wildlife.
Dates on each image refer to the file system timestamp. Actual creation date of most of these is unknown, but may be many years older.
These images were pulled via a script from CD-ROM images on The Internet Archive. I had
thousands of GIFs when I was done. The selection here does not reflect my personal tastes or what I think was valuable, so much as it
reflects what was done once I got finished removing as many pornographic lesbians as possible.
Apologies in advance for removing the lesbians.
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