Blizzard of Zeros:

Calling a BBS using the Ulimate-II+ for the Commodore 64/128

Created and Maintained by The Dust Council

Last Update (UTC): 2020-Aug-14

Current Date (UTC): 2024-Oct-22

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Tools required:


Prepare USB stick:


Install the Ultimate-II+ hardware (be sure your machine is powered off):


Configure the Ultimate-II+ for modem emulation.

Turn on the computer. At the time of this writing, the default emulated cartridge in the cartridge port is the CYBERPUNX RETRO RELAY. This cartridge conflicts with the modem emulation so we will configure the Ultimate-II+ to boot up with no emulated cartridges for now.


Boot CCGMS, configure it, and "call" (telnet to) a BBS

This time when you boot you will be dropped to your standard Commodore READY. prompt and no cartridge should load. If you see the CYBERPUNX RETRO RELAY CARTRIDGE again, go back into the configuration and repeat the process above.

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Contact information: but remove all numbers.

See also: